Monday, May 11, 2009

Reflection #1 - College Orientation Registration

So I was registering for orientation a couple weeks ago and I had to write an essay after picking my choices for the Honors Courses. It was just a little annoying because I already wrote essays to get into the honors program. The prompt was stupid too, "What are you intellectually curious about...?" I don't really know if I responded the way they wanted me to, (I wrote about global warming and the environment) but I guess I don't really care. It was my mother that pushed me to do the whole honors thing anyway. Plus, I was already accepted. Also there was the section that made me chose classes, and that freaked me out a little. I couldn't even find course descriptions online, so I just picked what sounded interesting. When I called the orientation office, they said it wasn't a big deal and we would finalize our schedule when we got to orientation, so I'm not too worried about it. I am a little disappointed because I don't think I will get in the housing that I want. I applied for this special interest housing for people that like the outdoors, but when I called, they said they had over fifty applicants for around twenty spots. Oh well, I guess I can always apply next year.

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