Thursday, December 11, 2008

Political cartoon #2

This cartoon is hilighting all of the layoffs that are happening this holiday season due to the economic recession. Santa represents the CEOs or upper management, and the elves represent the employees that are being let go. It is extremely unfortunate that many people are losing their jobs so close to the holidays, so the cartoon is meant to be funny, but also to make people think about the state of the United States. The pink slips the elves are holding represent a discharge notice (printed on pink paper) in an employee's pay envelope to notify the worker of his or her termination of employment or layoff.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Political Cartoon

This political cartoon shows two men, only a little older than I am, both leaving on different paths of life. I found this cartoon particularly appropriate because I will soon be feeling the economic recession in my own life as I head off to college. I will be more like the man on the right that is having trouble finding work. He represents the upper middle working class that is currently unemployed in America because of our failing economy. I hope that this does not depict the future that awaits my generation as we graduate college and join the working force of America. This cartoon shows a strongly negative view of both choices. The man on the left going to war does not seem happy about it, but instead seems to view it as inevitable. The man on the right is equally glum because he is stuck with a pricey education that he can not use to gain money. Neither wants to continue on the path they are set on, which is shown by the fact they are turned away from each other, but still turned to look back.