I signed up for washingtonpost.com to e-mail me political related news stories, and I was interested with one that said "Registration Gains Favor Democrats." The new voters are mostly Democratic, as in Florida, Democratic registration gains this year are more than double those made by Republicans. The Obama campaign expects the newly registered Democrats to swell even more later this month as elections offices process the tens of thousands of registrations still pouring in. many of these newly registered voters
Joseph Hodges, left, and others are in swing states such as, Ohio, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina,
register to vote Friday at a table set Virginia, Indiana, Missouri, Colorado, Iowa, Nevada and New Mexico.
up by Obama supporters at the Obama has been campaigning hard in these key states that Bush won in 2004,
Franconia-Springfield Metro station but he will have to wait until election day to find out if his hard
in Fairfax County. work paid off. Young voters are also a big part of Obama's voter registration plan. Overwhelmingly the youth vote favors Obama over McCain, so the more that go to the polls means more votes for Obama.
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