Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week 1 - Election post

I am a democrat, and I have been my entire life. I believe it is mostly because of my parents, but I can't help feeling the same way they do about many of the major issues. In the 2000 election, I was a supporter of Al Gore, and I volunteered for Howard Dean in 2004. This year I plan to work for Barack Obama, and I hope to finally contribute to a winning campaign! I agree with what Obama says about many issues, and it helps that he is a much better public speaker than our current President. He plans to create new jobs and lower taxes for the working class. Also, given the recent news about the stock market, I believe we need a leader that believes in government involvement in the economy.

Another reason I support Obama is because he cares about our environment. He believes in global warming and want to do something to, not only stop it, but reverse it's effects. The Obama-Biden ticket supports the implementation of a system to reduce carbon emissions. They will require that large polluters pay for the emissions that they release. Obama will also invest $150 billion over ten years in advanced energy technologies. He will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East within the next ten years by increasing the use of hybrid cars and establishing a nation low carbon fuel standard. This will provide a long term solution for both our dependence on foreign oil, and the pollution caused by using it. McCain's solution, drilling in Alaska, does neither of these things. He proposes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but ask yourself, is it really worth the potential cost? Personally, I don't believe it is. The oil available is not enough to justify the environmental damage that the drilling could cause. McCain does not seem to take into account the negative effects of his solution, but instead focuses only on the possible gains.

Senator Obama's economic plan offers much more to the average American family than John McCain. Obama will provide tax cuts for working families, giving up to $500 tax credit per person, or $1000 for every working family. Their "Making Work Pay" plan could free ten million Americans from income tax. Obama would also eliminate income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 a year. He will simplify the tax filing process, cutting the time consuming process down to five minutes or less. Obama and Biden also plan to provide the economy with $50 billion to jumpstart the economy and prevent the loss of jobs. He will also create five million new jobs, to help combat America's rising unemployment rate. These jobs will also work to help our environment and improve American's lifestyle. I believe Obama is dedicated to bettering the United States, and if elected, he will fulfill the promises he has made.


Randy said...

Stumbled upon your Blog. Very nice. Go Obama!!

Christine said...

Stumbled upon your Blog too. Have fun with it. Go Obama!!

heelers said...

Stumbled on your blog.
You look very nice.
But your blog reads like something devised by Obama staffers to pretend their candidate is trendy and supported by bloggers.
He isn't.
Yes it would be groovy to abandon Iraq.
Then we could fight the Jihadi's only on ground of their choosing.
Yehaaa, as Howard Dean always used to say.
I'm voting for the candidate Osama Bin Laden doesn't want to win.
James (in Ireland)

kylie said...

I respect your opinion but i think there are more inportant things about being a president than being able ot be a public speaker. we all know obama is better at speaking than mccain.
I do like his unemployment plan. there is some good ideas in that bc the unemployment is way to high and only rising!

GREAT BLOG see you in classs

DaniS said...

Your dedication to the Democratic party is very respectable, and although I don not agree with some of Obama's position. It is interesting to read actual policy as opposed to "just because" reasoning.

Maggie Ovington said...

I don't only believe in Obama because he is a good public speaker.

Katie said...

Hey Maggie,

I really enjoyed reading you post and agreed with basically everything you said about Obama. One thing is though you have to see both the good and bad of both candidates. Neither candidate is perfect but of course Obama is the better choice :)


Melanie said...

Maggie I really like your blog!! I'm also leading towards Obama and tend to have more liberal views. I think it's great that Obama's taking more steps to helping our environment. I also agree with you that we should eliminate dependence on the Middle East for oil. Love you!!!