Sunday, June 7, 2009
Reflection #4 - Prom
Current Event #4 - Mandy Moore
This week I chose an article from the Washington Post. However, it still has to do with the entertainment Industry. My article, Mandy Moore gets back to basics on new CD, is about the good girl image of Mandy Moore and how accurate that image really is. Most of her songs are targeted toward tweens, but the article shows some hidden meanings in the lyrics that suggest her songs are not all flowers and bunny rabbits. For example in the song “I Could Break Your Heart Every Day of the Week,” there are lyrics talking about squeezing the life out of someone. This shows that people don’t really listen to songs for the lyrics, but mostly for the music. However, Moore is perfectly happy to keep her good girl label. She takes it as a compliment that people think she is good. However, she does have lyrics and songs that are a little edgier. She says none of it is meant to be taken seriously. She just let out a little of her more sassy side. Her newest album takes inspiration from Joni Mitchell and Paul and Lunda McCartney. She claims it is a kind of folk-pop-rock fusion. In conclusion Many Moore talked about one other influence that affected her album. She recently married Ryan Adams, a indie singer-wongwriter, and, although he didn’t directly contribute to the album, she claims he influenced her by just being around her.
I picked this article because I had no idea Mandy Moore even sang. I always thought she was just an actress, so I figured I would find out a little more about her singing career. It turns out I didn’t know about it because her main audience is young teens and preteens, or tweens, as the press has started calling them. Anyway, the article was mildly interesting, but I think I was perfectly happy to remain in the dark about Mandy Moore’s life outside acting.
Reflection #3 - College Orientation
Current Event #3 - The Colbert Report
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Reflection #2 - Pops Concert
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Current Event #2 - Terminator Salvation

Now, after production, Bale has to deal with the press. Unfortunately not all the questions will focus on the movie. Instead there will be questions regarding the actor’s temper and an incident of forceful language. On set, Bale yelled at a crew member who crossed through his sightline during an intense scene of the movie. He later apologized for the profanity saying, “It was unacceptable. I went too far. And I learned from it.'' The question now is; what kind of effect will this blowup have on the star’s popularity? Personally, I think it will take a lot more than a four minute rant to damage Christian Bale’s reputation.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Reflection #1 - College Orientation Registration
Current Event #1 - Wolverine

When I first saw the movie, I had no idea the movie had been leaked before its release, so I learned something new about the movie through that. The article provides a good description of the film, which is character driven, but with a lot of action. I enjoyed the movie, but there were definitely some parts that were flawed. I am not a comic book reader, but I would be interested to find out how true to the marvel comic version of wolverine’s origins the film is. The basic story of him as a child especially might have been different. I think they could have done a lot more about his history, but they wanted to get into the action part of the movie. Also, he stops aging around forty, and that is never explained. There are many problems with the plot of the movie caused by some holes and unexplained circumstances, but it is a fun movie to enjoy for the action.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Editorial #5
I agree with everything in this article. The fact that gay couples are not allowed to get married in many states is wrong, but this bill is at least a step in the right direction. What many people do not think about is how much marriage can affect a couple. It isn’t just getting to call the other person your husband or wife, there are many legal factors as well. The Uniting American Families Act rights one of the wrongs done to gay couples, but there are still many others waiting to be fixed. Wrongs such as not being able to make medical decisions, death benefits, and adoption are all unfair processes when it comes to gay rights. Those that fight against gay marriage should take time to consider what they are forcing those people to give up.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Editorial #4
Levin is right is some ways because the countries moral and ethical opinions should be represented in the making of scientific decisions on policy. However, I believe Obama addressed this a little more than Levin gives him credit for. What I believe Obama was really saying is that he believes that using embryos for scientific research is ethical. He did not have to specifically state that in his executive order because it was implied. That may not be the view of the general public, but as President, he has the power to rule that the scientific benefits outweigh the importance of public opinion.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Editorial #3
My first reaction to this article was surprise. I think it was very generous of all of the employees that did agree to give up their cost-of-living adjustment salary increase this year. However, I do not like the way the article makes the firefighters look. They have a right to demand that increase, and some of them might really need it. I understand all the problems that it is causing, but they risk their lives to save others and deserve to be compensated for it. I also do not think it is fair to judge firefighters as a whole, because it is the union and its representatives that are causing the problem. I look forward to reading later articles to discover the outcome of Montgomery County’s budget, and how the firefighters were affected.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Editorial #2
I found this article interesting because I never thought that peer pressure could play such a major role in the Senate. I remember learning about the whips and how they supposedly kept Senators and Representatives voting within party lines, but I had never heard of a specific example. The story of the “party’s chief deputy whip” standing near a senator, that was leaning yes, during the vote and making him vote no really stuck with me. Hopefully the Republicans will not have such success with future bills.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Editorial #1
I agree with most of what Senator Specter is saying, but there are parts of the editorial I disagree with. The unemployment rates are the worst they have been in years, and many companies are reporting either very low, or even negative earnings reports. These are all signs of how bad the current economic recession is doing. I think that a lot of compromise will be necessary to get the bill passed quickly in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, but I do not necessarily agree with what should be compromised on. I think health care should be left to the regular appropriations process, but education should receive money in the stimulus package.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Political Cartoon #5

This cartoon is basically saying that President Bush did a bad job while in office. He destroyed or "burned" many of the institutions of the United States Government and is leaving Obama to clean it up. I find it especially ironic that the environment is a burned tree. The cartoon also shows how much re-building Obama will have to do while in office. The speech bubble, "I'll pass the torch in juuust a minute...," serves to show that Bush is still doing damage in the last month of his last term. What he is burning is important because it is "Business Regulation" which represents a lot of the current problems with the economy. The torch, and the passing of it, represent the presidency, and it implies that the country will be safer if the flames are in the hands of President-elect Barack Obama.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Political Cartoon #3

This political cartoon is making fun of the incident when a shoe (or rather pair of shoes) was thrown at President Bush. This shows how disliked our curent president is in the world and the extent people will go to to insult him. In this cartoon the many shoes being thrown at Bush represent the actual shoe that was thrown at him, but also they represent the much larger issue of his inadequacy in the role of President. It is important to note that Bush is not trying to dodge these shoes, but instead closing his eyes, cowering, and hoping for the best.
Political Cartoon #4

This cartoon goes along with the new year. It shows an hourglass as the last number of 2008, and in it, a drowning man in the sand. This man represents the United States and how it has fared this past year. Looking back the "2008" represents all the bad things that happpened last year, and the hourglass shows the effect they had on the United States. The man is drowning in the sand because of all the problems that have come up over the course of the year, and the United States' inability to deal with them properly.